Jinjiang Footwear & Sports Industry International Exposition

The 21st Jinjiang Footwear & The 4th Sports Industry International Exposition , China is due to take place from April 19 to 22,2019 in Jinjiang,Fujian province with a show space of 60,000 square meters and 2200 International standard booths,covering finished footwear products,sports,equipment,footwear machinery and auxiliary materials for footwear.It’s a weather vane of the footwear industry in the whole world. We eagerly await your arrival to join the grand event and add to this Expositional infinite splendor.

Welcome to Jin Meng Booth No: A特16

we sincerely welcome you to attend the 21st Jinjiang Footwear & the 4th  Sports Industry International Exposition, China to be held on April 19th –22nd  2019  in No.1 Exhibition Hall in Machi City, Jinjiang, China

Shoe making machines, past and present

During most of the history of shoe making, the art of making shoes was considered a handicraft. It was reserved for highly skilled craftsman making one shoe at a time. This was a very time consuming process with everything being done by hand. The traditional shoe makers could use over 15 different techniques for making their shoes. Each technique would result in a different style and would have been made almost exclusively out of leather, just as it had been done for thousands of years.